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Meet Amy...

Amy Marquez (Hernandez), former Mariposas Chair

Hometown: Sonora

Currently: Big Lake

What major/minors you graduated with: Early Childhood Education W/ Special Education

The year you graduated: December 2013

What have you been up to since graduation?

Be a bum and eat all day.... NNAAA JUST KIDDING! I have such an eventful life! I am currently a Reading Interventionist, Assistant Jr. High Basketball coach, and a Dyslexia Specialist in tiny Rankin ISD. I am also an Early Childhood Interventionist and work with children who demonstrate milestone delays from the ages 0-3 for the Reagan Co. area. I have an amazing husband Anthony Marquez, a beautiful baby boy Anthony Jr. (AJ) and we reside in a rowdy town named Big Lake!

Was there a faculty or staff member who influenced you and helped you while attending ASU?

The entire Education wing was more than willing to stay hours after class to help me with even the slightest problems I ever had. The most influential group of ladies consisted of Prof. Patricia Bain, Prof. Judith Hakes, Dr. Charlene Bustos, Prof. Donna Gee, and who could ever forget Dr. Christine Purkiss! I will never forget all the help I received from the multicultural center as well!!! I remember we always got kicked out of the multicultural center because we gave Mrs. Lorina && Mr. Muñoz "headaches"... She loved all of us, she just had a funky way of showing it ;)

I wouldn't be where I am now without the outrageous amount of time spent with a man who moved mountains in my eyes, Dr. K! Love you viejio!

What advice do you have about life after graduation?

Cherish moments together ALWAYS, even if it is lunch by the lake or playing ball all night on the slab! I promise you, it's the little things that you will miss the most, and who can forget all of those stinkin' fire drills!

If there is anything else you'd like to include, go for it.

For all of you ladies and Education Majors, if there is anything I can do please let me know. It's all about networking and exchanging ideas.

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