Meet Sendy...

Sendy Tamayo, former Alumni Chair
Hometown: Apaseo El Alto, GTO, Mexico/Coyanosa, TX
Major: Psychology and Criminal Justice
Alumni since May 2012
What am I up to now? After I graduated from ASU I attended graduate school and am now a fully licensed social worker in the state of Texas. I am currently working as a Specialized Case Manager in a program for Unaccompanied Refugee Minors in San Antonio, TX. I am still building up my dreams.
Advice: I would advise everyone graduating to continue pursuing their dreams. Sometimes, graduation from college is only the beginning of all that you can accomplish. If you have the desire and passion for it, go further attend graduate school, law school, medical school, the options are endless. Anything can be accomplished with hard work, determination and perseverance. That’s my story. Never settle for less than you deserve and don’t let barriers stop you from achieving your ultimate goal. Follow your heart and follow your dreams. Good luck to all of you!