Meet Nate...

Nathan (Nate) Lopez
Hometown: Abernathy, TX
Any leadership positions you held in AMAS: None, officially, however, I like to think I was an "Intramural Ringer"! I was recruited by AMAS mainly so I could help out the Intramural team!!
What major/minors you graduated with: Interdisciplinary Studies: Kinesoology, History and English
The year you graduated: 2008
What have you been up to since graduation? Working and traveling to see my favorite professional sport teams
Was there a faculty or staff member who influenced you and helped you while attending ASU? Faculty member was Dr. Price and Dr. Wallace. Staff was Bradley Petty, Clint Havins and Dr. K
What advice do you have about life after graduation? Be prepared once you step out in the real world it will knock you down quick if you are not ready.
As you are reading this you are probably in a AMAS Meeting or it is an email sent out to you but regardless what you are doing just know that while you are in college I encourage you to NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK. You never know which way your life is going to go and you may just meet the one girl or guy walking down the UC which will end up making your career and life way better than you would ever had expected. Also, keep your mind open to changes. Just because you choose a major, and think the field you are going into is for you, be open minded for other doors that may be opened to you. I was the Junell Center Stephens Arena Events Manager for 4 years after I graduated and now I am a Safety Coordinator for an Oil and Gas company. There is so much out there; never shut any doors.